Sometimes we don't need a tragedy, breakup or loss to feel overwhelmed. No big work obstacles, no big disappointment. Just life. My life seems to have gained significant weight in the last few weeks. I can't be sure if it's loading up its pockets with extra complications, more responsibility or general loose change.
Maybe it's just growing up.
I'm finding myself at a crossroads in my just-past-quarter-life-crisis and am on the verge of retreating into a Disney movie and footie pajama induced hermit life. I feel as thought lately I've been scrambling to get things together, but end up just rearranging things in the same space.
I also find myself in a completely different positon in life. Gone are the days of weddings every weekend and engagement pictures by the dozen. I now peruse baby shower registries and catch myself giving doe eyes to miniature cashmere sweaters and tiny human suspenders. I find myself delirious when I discover the perfect ottoman or side table in my ever increasing need to expand my nest. I spend my weekends cleaning and catching up on work instead of nights out with my girls. Oh, and don't even get me started on my nights. Ever the night owl, I now find myself impressed to see 1am.
Maybe I have hit a bit of a rut, or maybe the reality of an adult life is slowly sinking in. Either way, I am determined to find a way to regain part of that old joy, that old me. That may mean letting go of some things that I let define me and exploring different sides of myself that have since gone into a recession.
And I think I have just the blog to do it.
Stay tuned.